Course Type Definitions

Face-to-Face / In-Person / On-Campus

一门课程的所有教学课程将在我们的校园9501 S进行 King Drive, Chicago, IL 60628.

Web-Based Course / Online Course

在线课程完全通过Moodle在互联网上进行. Instructors 学生积极地使用Moodle来完成课程的各个组成部分. 这些课程可以采用以下方式:(a)异步-学生 不需要定期在特定时间可用或(b)同步 -课程通过illuminate或类似软件定期上课; 然而,学生没有来校园.

Hybrid (Blended) Course

课程材料包括提供的大量电子材料/活动 online through Moodle. 课程包括有限数量的预定课程 在校园里,以及大量由在线活动组成的课程 而且互动不需要亲自到校园来. Students are required 要积极利用课程管理系统来完成各个组成部分 the course.


有关Moodle的更多信息或帮助,请访问 here.

Enrollment Status

什么是全日制、四分之三时制和半时制入学? Please review the two charts below:

Undergraduate Students: 

Fall & Spring Semesters Summer Session
Full-time = 12+ credit hours Full-time = 7+ credit hours
Three-quarter time = 9 - 11.9 credit hours Three-quarter time = 6 - 6.9 credit hours
Half-time = 6 - 8.9 credit hours Half-time = 4 - 5.9 credit hours
Less than half-time = 1 - 5.9 credit hours Less than half-time = 1 - 3.9 credit hours

Graduate Students: 

Fall & Spring Semesters Summer Session
Full-time = 9+ credit hours Full-time = 5+ credit hours
Three-quarter time = 7 - 8.9 credit hours Three-quarter time = 4 - 4.9 credit hours
Half-time = 5 - 6.9 credit hours Half-time = 3 - 3.9 credit hours
Less than half-time = 1 - 4.9 credit hours Less than half-time = 1 - 2.9 credit hours




Course Information

课程科目/学科信息,包括科目代码、院系 办公地点和电话号码,在开头的标题中有提供 of each subject listing. 课程按学科开始的字母顺序排列 首先是校内课程,然后是混合课程、课间课程、在线课程和特别课程 courses.

最新的课程信息可通过CSU X-Press获得. Changes to course 每周的增编也注明了所提供的服务 course schedule web page. 所有费用、日期、课程和讲师都有可能发生变化.




Excerpt from Schedule of Classes Page:

excerpt课程表内的课程以课程参考编号标示 (CRN)或按科目编号、课程编号及分组编号. 


每个类都有一个唯一的五位数课程参考编号(CRN)作为关键标识符 of the course. 在春季学期,每个CRN以数字1(1)或开始 the number two (2) 




这是特定学科/科目的课程编号. The course number indications the level of the course, as well.

Course Number Range Level
0900 -0999 Developmental Level
1000 – 1999 Freshman Level (Lower Division)
2000 – 2999 Sophomore Level (Lower Division)
3000 – 3999 Junior Level (Upper Division)
4000 – 4999 Senior Level (Upper Division)
5000 – 5999 Graduate Level
6000 – 6999 Doctoral / Professional Level



课程编号是特定课程的2或3个字符的标识符. 课程编号可以确定课程何时以及如何进行. 

Section Number Range
01 – 19 班会在下午4点前开始,上午、下午、下午、下午、下午或下午
21 – 29 Hybrid course meeting at any time
51 – 59 在线课程会议异步或同步
61 – 69 Class meetings start 4pm or later M, T, W, R, or F; or anytime on Saturday or Sunday

3rd Character – I or S or R

如果节号有第三个字符 “I,” 这表明该组在休会期间作为会议的一部分举行会议 Spring semester. If the third character is “S,” 这表明该部分在给定学期的特殊会议期间开会. If the third character is "R,这表明该部分用于我们的RISE程序. The meeting dates will 在课程标题下方的部分评论中指出.



课程的开课日期列在指定的课程表上 by a single letter:

星期一- M / Tuesday - T / Wednesday - W / Thursday - R / Friday - F / Saturday - S / Sunday – U

多日的课程将以相应的字母组合出现 for each day the course meets. 例如,在星期二和星期四上课的课程 会议日的TR会列出来吗.


课程表列出了课程的“短标题”. Full course titles are listed in the course catalog. 


这表示课程部分的开始和结束时间. If the time is listed as “TBA”是指上课时间由导师安排,或上课时间为 still to be determined. 详情请与有关部门联络.


Classes Meeting MWF Classes Meeting TR 每周一天的班会M, T, W, R或F* Classes Meeting on Saturdays Only*
8am – 8:50am 8am – 9:15am 5pm – 7:50pm 9am – 11:50am
9am – 9:50am 9:30am – 10:45am 6pm – 8:50pm 1pm – 3:50pm
10am – 10:50am 11am – 12:15pm    
11am – 11:50am 2pm – 3:15pm    
12pm – 12:50pm 5pm – 7:50pm    
1pm – 1:50pm      
2pm – 2:50pm      
3pm – 3:50pm      
4pm – 4:50pm      

* Breaks

超过100分钟的课程会自动获得10分钟的休息时间. Additional 之后每50分钟的授课时间,有10分钟的休息时间. Example: 一个3小时的课程有150分钟的教学时间和两次10分钟的休息时间 170 minutes. 



Academic Building Codes

Building Building Code
College of Education ED
Business and Health Sciences BHS
Harold Washington Hall HWH
Williams Science Center SCI
Douglas Hall DH
Jacoby Dickens Center JDC
Gwendolyn Brooks Library GBL
Field (Class sessions meet Off-Site) FLD
在线(在网上上课) WEB
Meeting Location to be Determined TBA



Cancelled Classes

大学保留限制班级人数和取消课程的权利 报名人数不足的. 课程取消通常发生在 the Thursday before classes begin.

如果你所注册的课程被取消,你将被退学 class. 如果你没有注册其他课程,学费将被退还 to your account. 获得经济援助的学生应咨询他们的学校 财务援助顾问关于任何奖项的影响. Class cancellation notifications are sent to students via CSU email.